Category Archives: Tips & Tricks

Flatsome theme tips and tricks

How to fix font issues and random characters after migrating

How To Fix Font Issues And Random Characters After Migrating A Website

ABOUT THIS: Issues with fonts frequently happen after migration. You often find that your fonts are not loading correctly or icons have been replaced by random characters. In this article we’ll get it back up swiftly. When inspecting the site you will find 404 errors on .WOFF files which indicate that the font files are […]

How to use the console for troubleshooting

How To Use The Console For Troubleshooting

ABOUT THIS: Usually when something is not working as expected there is something blocking the view. Most of the errors will be visible in the console. That being said some may not if the file is not loaded. PURPOSE OF THE CONSOLE As mentioned above: the console shows errors if there is something wrong. If […]

Flatsome: How to easily make an Infinite Scroll Element

Flatsome Infinite Scroll Element

Flatsome: Easily make an Infinite Scroll Element About this tutorial: Adding this to your Flatsome website will show an infinite scroll element (horizontal) where you want it. Both text and images will work, and also, you can control the sliders’ direction and speed. This one goes one way and as you see faster than the […]

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